Hi all!
Just saw another great giveaway today! Visit Persimmons Gal's blog!! She's giving away this adorable polymer clay peapod necklace!!! Check her out! She sells some adorable things! Just thought you might like to enter!
Hi all,
I finally got my art back from the APW gallery today in the mail. I have since listed 4 of them. "The Costume" has already sold. Each are listed for $100 each and all are mixed media on gallery wrapped canvas and coated in beeswax.
ArtFire Listings
Etsy Listings
I'm so glad to finally have these back. I hope they find new homes quickly! If you have any questions feel free to email me!
Happy Mother's Day to all of the Mom's out there. I hope you have a special day. Free shipping for all mom's this weekend!!! Use code Mom09 in either shop.
Got busy last night creating and it felt good. I think my creativity is going to help get me through this rough time. I'm so thankful for this gift from God.
Out of the Blue (pictured above)
I made molds of these flowers out of vintage pins, buttons and beads so I can recreate them at any time!! I may do a series of these with limited color schemes. It was so much fun!! I melted UTEE in my melting pot and poured them into the molds!! So much fun and a whole new world to explore!!! This is a 5 x 5 piece and has water color crayons, acrylics, UTEE flowers, silver marker and oil marker. This is now listed on ArtFire.
A Little French
I started this piece a few weeks ago and never finished it until last night. I like how it turned out. I used a light molding pasted for the Fleur de Lis and stamped in the image from a foam stamp I have. It has lots of nice texture to it. It's now listed on Etsy.
Off to get my daughter to her 2 year check up, fun fun!
Thank you to all who responded to my blog yesterday. Reading everyone's heartfelt comments made my day a bit easier. This is a rough time and I know she will no longer be in pain so that eases it a bit but I'm sure going to miss my Nana. I'm working on another tattoo in memory of her. It will probably include a cardinal, a strawberry and some lily of the valley flowers. All her favorites. I'll keep you posted on that.
This is the last photo I have with my Nana and Lorelei. This was taken last summer. We have rough winters here and it didn't make it easy to get across the lake to VT unless we took the ferry across. The ferry is ridiculously expensive and so most of the time we don't go across either way. My biggest regret is not getting over there more to visit my sweet Nana and Papa with Lorelei.
I'm absolutely heartbroken right now. The last time I spoke to Nana was right before my trip to Holland. We were trying to arrange a time for them to help us get to the airport in Burlington. It didn't work out because of schedules, they weren't going to be around when we got back from Holland because they were going on vacation to Costa Rica, something my Aunt set up for them. My cousin and their grandson lives in CR and they were going to see him and get some warm weather during our cold winter. She went there as Nana and came back differently.
Nana suffered a fall and stroke while she was there and was put on Life Support in CR for weeks, then she started improving is what we were told. We couldn't get a straight read on her CAT scan of her brain. The care there was phenomenal I was told and she was in good hands. Various family members went to visit and care for her as well. I was going to try and go but it was too difficult financially for us as well as who would take care of Lo. I never went.
She was just medivac'd back here last week and put in the local hospital. She has a DNR order in place and my Papa was told by the local neurologist that her brain has atrophied and what she is now is what she will be, basically a vegetable. My Nana would never have wanted this to happen. She was so full of life and energy and lived up to her red hair!!
My Papa made the choice 2 nights ago to let nature take it's course. Not sure how much longer she'll be with us. I'm going to try and go over on Tuesday to say my goodbyes. How do you say goodbye to the most wonderful woman in the world? She was the glue in our family, she loved a good party, she still worked out 3 times a week at her gym even at 88 years old. She was a strong woman of God. Devout Jesus follower and the best Nana I could have ever had. She wasn't just my Nana she was a dear friend. I lived with them for 6 months and we had some great times together. It was in the 90's and I even taught her the macarena!! We used to dance together in her kitchen to it and I started calling her the "Maca-Nana". We had so many inside jokes the two of us. I am going to miss her spice for life, her laugh, her face squishes and big kisses. Her calling to talk to Lorelei just to say "I love you". She is truly going to be missed and a big chunk of my heart is being ripped out. I love you Nana more than you ever will know.
Part of me is at peace knowing she's going to Heaven. She is going to be reunited with her Savior and also her son Michael who died 20 years ago. What a happy reunion that will be. I've had months to come to grips with all of this but it's not helping. Please pray for my family as we go through this hard time.
I bought this necklace as a reminder of her and as a reminder to pray while she was still in CR. It helped me out. It was meant for me because of the name and the stone. My Nana's birthday is May 13th, her birthstone is the emerald which was one of her favorites. I bought this necklace from one of my favorite sellers on Etsy named Kathryn Riechert. She has become a sweet online friend and has made some special pieces of jewelry for me. It's a keepsake for sure. This necklace was named "Renewed" by her and it just jumped off the page of her shop and I bought it instantly. I was looking for something to remind me to pray for Nana, this did. I have only taken it off once since I bought it. It has an emerald for a stone. My plan was to bury this with Nana once I knew she was renewed. I was hoping she would get better and I was going to give it to her or if not I was going to bury it with her. She wants to be cremated so now what do I do? I think I might hang it on a wall with my art or something as a memorial to her. What do you think?
I'm sorry for the long blog but my heart is just overwhelmed and I needed to get this off my chest.
Thank you for reading.