I Just moved my blogger blog over to Word Press. Needed a change of venue. My art career has been on a hiatus for awhile. I just did a long distance move from cold Upstate NY all the way to the opposite extreme of sunny Florida! I grew up in Florida so this has always been home. Lots of perks to moving back South including being close to most of my family, in-laws and BFF’s. Most are within the vicinity. I do terribly miss my adorable niece and nephew, brother and sister-in-law who are still in NY as well as my unborn nephew and his parents in Washington. Life took some major twists and turns in the last 6 months. We sold our first home in 3 months which was nothing short of a miracle, we lost 2 cats, I lived away from my sweet baby girl and hubby for almost 2 months during this process, we lived with my in-laws for a few months until we got a rental. Quite a long process and I’m glad that it’s over and we’re starting to get some normalcy. Before that craziness we were busy getting our house up to par to sell. It’s been a nutty year. We have been blessed to live in a wonderful city and have an amazing rental house. My studio is almost set to go and then I can create!! I think the last time I created something was in January 2010! Too long to not be creative!
Here’s a few things I did within the last 24 hours as far as anything artsy goes:
I reopened my Etsy shop – Still working on inventory for my ArtFire shop, may just keep that on hold.
I opened a Red Bubble Shop – I sold 8 cards today too!
I started my new/old blog here on WordPress
Onward and upward! I hope you continue to follow me here.

I’ll leave you with my favorite art quote:
“Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better.”
~Andre Gide – French critic, essayist, & novelist (1869 – 1951)