Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tomorrow is the BIG day!

Lorelei gets her cast off tomorrow morning at 9:15 am! I'm so excited and nervous all rolled up into one. She has been such an amazing, strong, little girl through this whole process. She totally got it the entire time and knew that something was wrong with her leg but the huge, hIdEOus spica cast was going to make it all better. We had some incredible bonding moments with Lorelei during this time and we tried to make the best of it on a daily basis, it wasn't always easy but here we are at the end! Six weeks felt like an eternity but then it also flew. We all survived and found out how strong we really are.

I wanted to thank everyone for their kind thoughts, prayers, words of encouragement (for J and I), videos and gifts galore for Lo and things to keep her busy. I have some amazing people I call my friends. A lot of you who sent things I have never met in person but you still cared for us. I am blessed by all of you and truly thankful for you all. I know for a fact the tremendous outpouring has blessed others around me. You are all amazing and kind and for that I love you.

It's going to take some time to get back into the normal routine and for Lorelei to walk normal so continued prayers are appreciated. I am going to be her physical therapist as well and take her swimming as much as I can during the recovery process. I know my little dynamo will be back stronger than ever, probably sooner than I can imagine.

I just wanted you to know how blessed we are to have you in our lives. Thank you.

Much love,

Aimée, Jason and Lorelei


  1. What a big day ahead! I will be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. Can't wait to see the new pictures..cast free. Loved your sentiments on this entire process.

  2. I am reading this a day late, so I assume as of now Loreli is cast free!! I am sure it feels so good to have it off!

    Will continue to pray for complete recovery, physical therapy and getting back to life as a walking, running little gal.



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