Friday, September 12, 2008

Blog-i-versary Winner!!

Thank you to all who entered my little Blog-i-versary contest. I received a lot of great ideas for this next coming year. Thank you!! In case you can't read the graphic (sorry, I realized it was too small) the winner is Grandma Betty!! She had the idea of doing bookmark sets which is a wonderful idea, why didn't I think of that???? Anyways Betty let me know which season to send you and email me with your address and I'll get it out to you this coming week!

I will be doing more giveaways soon so be sure to keep reading and you can enter another one! Thank you for making this fun for me. I really appreciate all of my readers, new and old! Again never hesitate to get in touch with me if you'd like a commissioned piece or have another great idea for me!




  1. Hi Aimee,

    I am so excited to have won your Blog-i-versery Giveraway!

    I have never won a giveaway!

    I really love all 4 seasons in your series, so it is hard to pick just one, but since I must (lol) I pick Spring!

    My email is:

    Grandma Betty

  2. Hi Aimee!!You have to go to NING.COM and register, then send me your email. I will then send you an invite for the art journaling group.



Thank you for visiting my blog! Your friendship and support mean a lot to me! If you see something you think is relevant to someone else feel free to forward the link on. I will try to comment back to you when possible. Thanks again!!




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